In the future, we’ll live for 200 years, robots will be friends, and unicorns will roam the earth.
In this episode I talk with Frank Diana. Frank is a recognized futurist, thought leader, and advisor in the context of business, societal and economic evolution. With over 30 years of business leadership in various executive roles, Frank scans the human horizon for emerging trends and technology, and leverages storytelling and pragmatic solutions to provide clients with a clearer path to success in a rapidly changing world. Frank and I discuss just how fast the world is changing, and the need to remain resilient as the pace of change increases. We talk about human turning points throughout history, and just how our current point in time compares. We touch on how different the world will look in only 20 or 30 years from now, and how hard that is for us to grasp. We ponder the ethical dilemmas of adopting new technologies, and how to ensure we’re thinking about their possible uses from all angles. We also briefly touch on just how much we’ve changed already, as we’ve struggled to make sense of our increasingly connected, 21st century world, against the backdrop of a 20th century paradigm.